❖Extended Lore❖
It is said in the ancient days, the wild and magic forest on the floating islands of Arborèl was home to the deepest font of magic in the realm. In its heart rested the dwelling of the Earth Spirit, whose bountiful magicks protected the isles from danger. Under the Earth Spirit’s gentle reign, the land it loved flourished greatly and all things were in balance.Yet the font of magic was coveted greatly by outside forces, ones who would do great harm in their everlasting quest for power. Always does great power attract those with ill intentions and sadly, Arborèl would not evade their greedy ways.One fateful day, a God of Destruction and War came to the forest to seek out the Earth Spirit. It was the hope of this violent, primal god to consume the Earth Spirit and the font. In the dead of night, the God of Destruction lured the Earth Spirit from its dwelling place in Arborèl’s heart, using the cries of tortured innocents to bait the Spirit into a trap.By the time the Earth Spirit realized what was happening, the cruel god’s forces had begun their ambush. Arborèl was set aflame that horrifying night and those who had long called that magical land their home were forced to fight or flee for their lives.Among those who had long dwelled in the woods was an elven woman named Fisani. Being of strong heart and practiced in combat, she chose to fight for the land she loved. As the forest burned, she came across the lethal duel between the God of Destruction and a gravely wounded Earth Spirit.When it seemed hope had faded and the Earth Spirit would fall, she intervened, choosing to try to fight the evil god herself. Being a mortal, she stood no chance. She fell, and in grief and rage, the Earth Spirit regained its strength enough to cut its opponent down.The sun rose on the God of Destruction’s demise, fading to embers that mixed with the remnants of what part of Arborèl had burned. The evil gods' malicious troops scattered in fear. The forest burned but rainclouds soon gathered overhead, their downpour working to extinguish the flames. It seemed it was finally over…… But such victory came at a cost. The Earth Spirit collapsed next to the fallen Fisani, mourning her. The elf teetered at the brink of life and death– no different than the Spirit did. The Earth Spirit perhaps could have used the magic of the font to save itself but the destruction had greatly diminished both the power of Arborèl and the Spirit’s own magic. It knew from its own wounds that it would not live, no matter what it tried… but the elven girl could yet be saved still.The Spirit looked to Fisani and saw hope in her that the land would be fine in the hands of those who were brave enough to stand against evil. The great Spirit knelt before her and it used the last of its strength to transform her, to save her. It granted her one more chance at life– repairing her damaged elven heart and replacing it with the gem heart of a golem. This caused her entire body to flourish into a crystalline lining hollowing her entire being. When its work was done, it collapsed once more at her side, never to rise again.Fisani awoke to a new life, one that was strange and seemed to be filled with questions… but she was grateful for the second chance.As she rose from that bloody scene, she saw the Earth Spirit’s body bloom into an array of flowers. The petals were carried into the wind, dancing upon it as though it were waving farewell to that beloved land of Arborèl. As they drifted away, fading, Fisani saw that something had been left behind– a strange and peculiar seed of sorts. Fisani knew to take it without question, not knowing what it was but understanding it was something left behind for her.In the weeks that followed, Arborèl would see much rebuilding in the wake of the devastation. Fisani worked hard to aid in the reconstruction but her mind often went back to that horrible night– back to that brush with death and the new life she had been given. She cared for the seed that the Earth Spirit had left behind, restless and uncertain of what the future would hold for them all. Arborèl would surely regrow with time but the font was damaged still and the forest was badly scarred, with whispers that some parts of it had been cursed by the God of Destruction to never again see growth or new life. It felt as though nothing could ever be the same again.Then one day the seed stirred and Fisani realized it was not a seed at all but an… egg!?A creature came from it, a creature that did not look unlike the Earth Spirit albeit… much smaller, much younger. It did not take long for Fisani to understand her final task left by the one who had saved her– with her new life, she had been given the sacred duty of caring for their new Earth Spirit– Beryl, the heir who rose from the ashes. With Beryl, perhaps they could mend the forest and plant life anew… but with Beryl being so young, it seemed there was a lot for him to learn…